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Opublikowano: wtorek, 07, październik 2014 10:04




ALESSANDRO at I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im.Jagiełły in Krasnystaw


Our guest comes from Catania in Sicily , sounds exotic!

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Day 1 - Monday 29 th Sept 2014

10 o'clock - the beginning of the classes: 2d, 1a, 3c, 3e

Everybody can speak a little Italian now: ‘prego', ‘buongiorno', ‘grazie', ‘arrivederci', ‘ciao' and ‘ciao ciao'!

13:30 a lovely dinner and welcoming at the dormitory

Volleyball match, shopping , Polish – Italian late night peace talks at the dormitory;)

He has so many Polish friends now: Magda, Ania, Dorota, Rafał, Wojtek, to name just a few (pupils say they have started thinking in English!!!).

Suddenly you come to think how many Italian traces we can track down in our town: Palermo pizzeria, ‘Coloseum' kebab place, ‘lody włoskie', fiat 126p!

They have the Etna – the live volcano in Sicily !

Alessandro's experience in Poland : fantastic ‘pierogi ruskie', and Polish hospitality

He says we are the best school he has visited!

He was also treated to:

joguś pitny (drinking yogurt from OSM Krasnystaw),

śliwka nałęczowska (dried plum in chocolate – a traditional sweet),

prince polo (chocolate wafer),

lubelskie miętowe (chocolate-mint candies), and

‘ Cisowianka 'mineral water!


Day 2 – Tuesday 30 th Sept 2014


9:00 – classes with 1b, 3b, 1c, 2b, 3a (sooo many students)

Piano lesson at the town's Youth Culture Centre (known to us as MDK)

Has tried pizza from ‘ Palermo ” – says it's good!!!

All Boys' Day at the dormitory!

More late night talks!!

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Day 3 – Wednesday 1 st Oct, 2014


9:00 – classes with 1b, 2a, 2b, 3d, 3e

After lunch – visiting the region: a short trip to the Dairy factory ‘OSM Krasnystaw' , the ruins of the Krupe castle , catching the glimpse of the sugar plant ‘Cukrownia Krasnystaw'


KRUPE CASTLE with a view over the pond, beautiful, isn't it… Our guest was impressed too

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The Dairy Factory OSM Krasnystaw (apart from its great produce there is a really nice lady in the marketing department – thanks for the bag full of gadgets)!!!

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Alessandro with the products that we take pride in…

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aiesec2014 clip image018And this tall building – the milk powder production building was made by Italians in 1970's – one more Italian hint in our town…

aiesec2014 clip image020And here sugar is made, a lot of sugar…


After visiting the region…

The second volleyball match and another beautiful night at the dormitory.


Day 4 – Thursday 2 nd Oct, 2014

9:00 – classes with 1c, 2d, 2c, 3c, 2a.

Alessandro's report:

After lunch – visiting Zamość with the girls from 3b.

Later - party with the guys from 2d and 1c.

Another amazing night at the dormitory and another amazing day with all of them.

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Day 5 – Friday 3 rd Oct, 2014

9:00 classes with 1a, 2c, 3b, 3a & 3d.

Lunch and come back to Lublin . ;(

A lovely view of the town and its hospitable and enthusiastic young citizens!

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To sum up:

“I am very happy to have spent one week in this school. I want to say ‘thank you' to everybody because all of you did something for me; thanks to the teachers (Renata and the other English teachers), thanks to every class for their attention, thanks to all the guys from the school and a special thanks goes to all the guys of the dormitory because they spent all their time with me and we did a lot of things together. Thanks to the headmaster and thanks to all the people of this city.

It was an amazing week and I'll never forget you.

I am sure I'll miss all of you.

Have a beautiful life and don't forget always to be happy! J

(I don't remember all your names but everybody did something for me and every person was very important during this week) J

Alessandro Circo


Alessandro, many thanks from us to you!!! Catania with Etna and Alessandro will definitely become even more popular now among Polish people, especially these from Krasnystaw!

Renata Lewandowska


Dziennik elektroniczny  






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